Title: Stravagantia
Publisher: Montena
Eric goes to live on the other side of the world, and Virginia has come to accept that she will never see him again.
But on the eve of his departure, both are suddenly drawn to Stravagantia, an unusual world full of dangers and peopled by strange creatures, not always friendly. There, Virginia realizes that she is not about to let Eric go just like that. But he has been captured by the “Lords of the Impossible” and, if she wants to find him and rescue him, Virginia must assume the risk of embarking on a journey through a territory whose rules which are unknown to her.
Fortunately for her, she can count on Berk’s help, a faun who will guide her through the ways of his world and help her see through the eyes of Stravagantia… as well as to help discover certain things about herself.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Montena).

Title: Retorno a la Isla Blanca (Return to White Island)
Publisher: SM
Unique is different from all other inhabitants of Greenwood: she does not look like the elves, or fairies, or to the rest of the Little People. No. She is blue-skinned and Medium-Size. The day her friend Snoopy finds an abandoned city of Medium-Sized folk, Unique realizes that in order to find her people, she will have to leave her home and venture into strange lands. This is the story of Unique, Snoopy, Fickle and Curmudgeon. But it is also that of Mattius, a mysterious minstrel, and how all of their fates intertwined forever.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla).

Title: El ciclo del Eterno Emperador (The Eternal Emperor Cycle)
Publisher: Montena
Life and death. Gold and blood. Such is the power of the eternal Emperor of Akidavia.The Eternal Emperor rules Akidavia for a thousand years before dying to again be reborn.After the death of his last incarnation, several members of the Imperial Council show up in a small village in search of the newborn baby that harbors the Divinity’s soul and that, therefore, must take his place in the throne. This is the story of Vintanelalandali, seventeenth incarnation of the Eternal Emperor, raised from childhood to take the reins of the empire as soon as her powers are awakened. But it is also the story of Kelan, a boy raised in a remote corner of Akidavia, whose life will suddenly change the day he decides to defy the local authority. When both their destinies intersect, the future of the empire will take an unexpected turn.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Montena), Polish (Mlody Book)

Title: Todas las hadas del reino (All the fairies in the kingdom)
Publisher: Montena
Camelia is a fairy godmother who for three hundred years has been efficiently assisting young maidens and aspiring heroes to reach their own happy endings. But everything starts to go awry when she is entrusted with Simon, a young stable hand who has fallen in love with a princess whom he didn’t even know existed. Camelia has solved harder cases; but, for some reason, with Simon things start to twist in an inexplicable manner…
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Montena), Bulgarian (ToniPress)

Title: Memorias de Idhún 1. La Resistencia (Idhun Chronicles 1: The Resistance)
Publisher: SM
Ashran the Necromancer seized the power in Idhun the day the three suns and the three moons aligned. In our world, a warrior and a magician exiled from Idhun have formed the Resistance, which Jack and Victoria, two adolescents born on Earth, also belong to. The group’s objective is to end the reign of the winged serpents, but Kirtash, a young and ruthless assassin, sent by Ashran to the Earth, is not going to let that happen…
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency and Ediciones SM
Rights sold: Russia (AST), Catalan (Cruïlla), Germany (DTV / Rights reverted), France (Bayard Jeunesse / Rights reverted), Italy (Fabbri / Rights Reverted), Portugal (Arte Plural / Rights Reverted), Sweden (Bazar Förlag AB/ Rights reverted), Norway (Bazar Förlag/Rights reverted), Finland (Bazar Kustannus Oy/Rights reverted), Denmark (Bazar Förlag/ ApsRights reverted), Poland (Ksiaznica/Rights reverted), Hungary (Delta Vision/Rights reverted), Turkey (Pegasus Yayinlary/Rights reverted) and Korea (Munhakdogne Publishing Corp./Rights reverted).

Title: Memorias de Idhún 2. Tríada (Idhun Chronicles 2: Triad)
Publisher: SM
The members of the Resistance have reached Idhun at last, ready to fulfil the prophecy. Not everything is as simple as it seems, though. Will the characters take on their role in the destiny foretold by the Oracles? Can the Resistance trust their new ally? How will they be received in Idhun after being away for fifteen years? What will Ashran and the sheks’ next move be?
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency and Ediciones SM
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), Germany (DTV / Rights Reverted), France (Bayard Jeunesse /Rights Reverted), Portugal (Arte Plural /Rights reverted), , Finland (Bazar Kustannus Oy/ Rights reverted), Hungary (Delta Vision/ Rights reverted), Turkey (Pegasus Yayinlary /Rights reverted) and Korea (Munhakdogne Publishing Corp./ Rights reverted).

Title: Memorias de Idhún 3. Panteón (Idhun Chronicles 3: Pantheon)
Publisher: SM
After the last battle against Ashran and the sheks many things seem to have changed in Idhun. However, the Oracles speak again, and their voices are far from reassuring. Something is about to happen, something that could change the destiny of two worlds forever… something which even the heroes of the prophecy may not be capable of tackling…
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency and Ediciones SM
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), Germany (DTV / Rights reverted), France (Bayard Jeunesse /Rights reverted), Portugal (Arte Plural / Rights reverted), , Finland (Bazar Kustannus Oy/ Rights reverted), Hungary (Delta Vision/Rights reverted), Turkey (Pegasus Yayinlary /Rights reverted) and Korea (Munhakdogne Publishing Corp.)

Title: Enciclopedia de Idhún (Encyclopedia of Idhún)
Publisher: SM
Welcome to Idhún, a place of beauty and mystery, of horrors and wonders, of magic and legend. Get ready, travelers, to meet its people, history, customs and its most remote corners. This encyclopedia not only collects all the information in the Idhún trilogy, but also adds further information on the people and the world of Idhún. The history of Idhún from the prehistoric period till the origins of the Fifth Era, the most characteristic flower and fauna of each region, the peculiarities of the races, detailed description of the landscapes and most emblematic places, brief biographies of relevant historical figures, typical Idhún festivities, basic notions of the magic at Idhún, brushstrokes of art and literature, a selection of the most relevant legends of the Idhún culture… and much more.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

Title: Guardianes de la Ciudadela I. El bestiario de Axlin (Guardians of the Citadel 1. Axlin’s Bestiary)
Publisher: Montena
Axlin’s world is full of monsters. Some attack travellers on the roads, and others go into people’s houses at night and take the children while they sleep. Axlin has set out to investigate everything she can about those monsters and compile her findings in a book that can serve as a guide and protection for other people. Therefore she decides to join the peddlers on a long journey to gather the different villages’ ancestral wisdom in their dangerous fight against the monsters. However, throughout her trip she will discover things she would never have imagined.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Montena), Polish (Mlody Book), Romanian (Polirom)

Title: Guardianes de la Ciudadela II. El secreto de Xein (Guardians of the Citadel 2: Xein’s secret)
Publisher: Montena
Axlin and Xein’s paths once again cross, but both are farther than ever before. Axlin finds out that, in spite of the presence of the Guardians, the number of attacks have increased as of late within the walls of the Citadel, which in theory is the safest place in the world. On the other hand, while trying to help his friend Dex with a personal problem, she will become enmeshed in a conflict which involves several aristocratic families of the old city.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Montena), Polish (Mlody Book)

Title: Guardianes de la Ciudadela III. La misión de Rox (Guardians of the Citadel 3: Rox’s mission)
Publisher: Montena
Rox explores the western region in search of a lost village inhabited by Guardians. Xein has been sent to the Last Frontier, the place from which the Guardians protect the civilized world, and from which very few come back alive. Axlin has decided to travel all the way there to rescue him. While a flood of survivors pours into the Citadel in search of refuge, a new philosophic movement blooms behind its walls. It calls itself the Spring Path, and its leader announces the end of the world… for better or worse.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Montena), Polish (Mlody Book)

Title: La emperatriz de los Etéreos (The Empress of the Ethereals)
Publisher: Alfaguara
Bipa is not interested in what might lie beyond the Caves where her people live. But when her friend Aer, fascinated by the legend of the mythical Empress, goes on a journey towards certain death, Bipa goes to look for him, risking her own life in a world of ice bathed by the light of the blue star. Does the Ethereal Kingdom really exist? Is there something more than the comfortable safety of the Caves? Or is there merely cold, death and darkness?
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Bromera), Germany (DTV / Rigths reverted), France (J’ai Lu/ Rights reverted) Brazil (Salamandra/ Rights reverted)

Title: Crónicas de la Torre 1. El Valle de los Lobos (Chronicles of the Tower 1. The Valley of the Wolves)
Publisher: SM
Dana, a young farmer, is summoned by a mysterious Master and taken to the Tower, in the remote Valley of the Wolves. In times gone by, the Tower was a brilliant school of high sorcery, but today only three people live there. Besides the Master himself and the cook, the only apprentice studying in the Tower is a shy elf with a dark past. Dana has secrets as well. Kai is always by her side, her best friend, her confidante, her protector… a boy only she can see.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), United States (Scholastic), Germany (DTV / Rights reverted), France (J’ai Lu/ Rights reverted), Portugal (Ambar/ Rights reverted) and Turkey (Beyaz Balina).

Title: Crónicas de la Torre 2. La maldición del Maestro (Chronicles of the Tower 2. The curse of the Master)
Publisher: SM
The Master of the Tower swore vengeance before he died. No apprentice of magic must rebel against his Master, and yet, Dana, the current Mistress of the Tower, and Fenris, the elf, do just that. Now, seizing the opportunity of there being new disciples at the school, death is not going to prevent the Master from fulfilling his promise…
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), Germany (DTV / Rights reverted), France (J’ai Lu/ Rights reverted), and Turkey (Beyaz Balina).

Title: Crónicas de la Torre 3. La llamada de los muertos (Chronicles of the Tower 3. The Call of the Dead)
Publisher: SM
After Saevin, a boy with exceptional powers, arrives at the Tower, Dana feels that something strange is about to happen, and she decides to travel to the Forgotten City to visit the Nameless Temple and consult the Oracle. The terrifying prophecy involving eleven people worries her even more Yet, can anyone manipulate the plans of fate?
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), Germany (DTV / Rights reverted), France (J’ai Lu/ Rights reverted) and Turkey (Beyaz Balina).

Title: Crónicas de la Torre. Fenris, el elfo (Chronicles of the Tower. Fenris the Elf)
Publisher: SM
Fenris is a very special elf. He has great powers, and, at night, when there is a full moon, an inexplicable force takes over him turning him into an amazing being. His love for Shi-Mae and his confrontation with powerful characters in the Elf Kingdom will determine his future. Thus begins his journey to the Tower in the Valley of the Wolves.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), France (J’ai Lu/ Rights reverted) and Turkey (Beyaz Balina).

Title: La leyenda del Rey Errante (The Legend of the Wandering King)
Publisher: SM
Walid is an Arab prince who wants to be a great poet, but for three years in a row he has been beaten in the poetry competition by Hammad, a humble, poor and illiterate carpet weaver. Jealous, Walid appoints him as the royal historian, and gives him a series of impossible tasks.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), United States (Scholastic), France (La joie de lire), Germany (Gerstenberg/ Rights reverted), Italy (Piemme / Rights reverted), Greece (Opera/ Rights reverted), Japan (Kaisei-Sha/ Rights reverted), Korea (Little Esil/ Rights reverted), .

Title: Finis Mundi (End of the world)
Publisher: SM
France. Year 997 A.D. Michel, a Cluniac monk, decides to set off on an impossible mission. According to the revelations of the hermit Bernardo de Turingia, the end of the world is near, and there is only one way to save mankind: the three axles supporting the Wheel of Time need to be recovered.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), Bulgaria (Tonipres – Antoaneta Yordanova), Germany (DTV / Rights reverted), Italy (Piemme / Rights reverted), Brazil (SM / Rights reverted), Greece (Opera/ Rights reverted), Japan (Kaisei-Sha/ Rights reverted).

Title: El coleccionista de relojes extraordinarios (The collector of extraordinary clocks)
Publisher: SM
To save his stepmother’s soul, Jonathan must find the Deveraux clock before twelve hours are up. It is somewhere in the Old City. As the night progresses, the city transforms. It looks the same but something just isn’t right…
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), France (Seuil / Rights reverted).

Title: Donde los árboles cantan (Where the trees are singing)
Publisher: SM
Viana de Rocagrís is a perfect maiden with a perfect life. But when the barbarians invade the kingdom of Nortia, she has no chance but running away, and maybe pay attention to the legends about the Great Forest – the place where the trees can sing.
Rights managed by: Ediciones SM
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), Poland (Dreams Wydawnictwo), Brazil (SM), Italy (Salani)

Title: Dos velas para el diablo (Two candles for the devil)
Publisher: SM
Cat is a teenager who has spent almost her entire life travelling from one place to another with her father. When he is murdered, she loses virtually everything, and she swears to find whoever did it and make them pay. The search will not be easy, but Cat is no ordinary girl. Her father was an angel, which means that only someone with a power similar to his own could have defeated him. Cat is even prepared to make a pact with demons to find out who did it.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Cruïlla), Italy (Salani), Germany (DTV / Rights Reverted), France (ActuSF).

Title: El Libro de los Portales (The Book of Portals)
Publisher: Minotauro
The painters at the Academy of Portals are the only ones who know how to draw the extraordinary transporter portals in Darusia. Their rigid regulations and exhaustive training ensure technical perfection in all their work. When Tabit, a student in his last year at the Academy, is assigned the job of painting a portal for a humble farmer, he has no idea that he’s about to find himself involved in a plot full of intrigues and secrets that could rock the institution to its foundations.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Columna), Poland (Dreams Wydawnictwo).

Title: Alas de fuego (Fire Wings)
Publisher: Minotauro
Queen Marla, who is only seventeen, is the sovereign of a splendid nation. Ahriel, a female angel, has been by her side since she was born, with the mission to guide and protect her, and to keep the balance in human kingdoms. However, when she discovers a conspiracy to start a bloody war, Ahriel is betrayed, her wings clipped, and locked up in the terrible prison of Gorlian, a primitive, wild and savage world, which no one has ever managed to escape from. Ahriel will have to learn not only to survive in Gorlian, but also to see things from a human point of view… from ground level.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Bromera), Italy (Fanucci /Rights reverted), France (J’ai Lu/ Rights reverted), Brazil (Salamandra/ Rights reverted)

Title: Alas negras (Black wings)
Publisher: Minotauro
Ahriel has regained her freedom and taken her revenge, but there is still one more thing she needs to do. After going to the City of Clouds to report to her peers, she renews her search for the magic prison of Gorlian to recover what she left behind when she escaped. She is determined to do anything to find it, even questioning the only person who knows where it is hidden. It will not be easy to reach this person, but Ahriel will not be alone this time…
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Bromera), Italy (Fanucci / Rights reverted), France (J’ai Lu/ Rights reverted), Brazil (Salamandra/ Rights reverted)

Title: La hija de la noche (The daughter of the night)
Publisher: Edebé
The large broken-down Grisard mansion had been abandoned and empty for many years, until suddenly the beautiful and enigmatic Isabelle moves in, returning to the place where she was born, and which she fled from years before. The mystery surrounding this woman will make her neighbours suspicious, and the local gendarme, the young Max, starts to investigate.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Edebé), France (J’ai Lu/ Rights reverted) and Italy (SEI/ Rights reverted).

Title: Las hijas de Tara (The daughters of Tara)
Publisher: Planeta
The Mannawinard natural world has been clashing with the Dumas’ technological world for a long time. Five humans from different places and an android have the solution. First, they must meet each other, and together embark on a journey full of danger, in which mercenaries, mutants and destructive robots will try to end their lives.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Grup62)

Title: Cuando me veas (When you see me)
Publisher: Planeta (Crossbooks)
For the last couple of weeks rumors have been rife about unexplainable events. Some students claim to have been attacked by an invisible force; others swear that they’ve seen objects moving in the air by their own accord, or have felt a strange presence stalking them throughout the corridors.
So, there is a ghost in the school? If this is the case, who is it and what are its intentions? We don’t know yet, but may not be far away from finding out.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Planeta-Fanbooks), Bulgary (Tonipres – Antoaneta Yordanova)

Title: Mandrágora (Mandrake)
Publisher: Algar
Cornelius, the wise man in the court of King Hector, disappears in strange circumstances. The scholar Zacharias arrives at the court to replace him, accompanied by his daughter, young Miriam. In the shadows, someone is plotting to overthrow the king and take over his kingdom. Miriam and Zacharias will get caught up in a conspiracy of ambition, vengeance and black magic, which will endanger their lives.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Bromera)

Title: Sara y las Goleadoras (Sara and the Goal Girls) (Six titles)
Publisher: Destino
This is the story of Sara, her passion for football, and how she manages to get ten friends interested in the game. They all share the same school, hobby, friends and enemies… Learning to play will not be the most difficult challenge…
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Estrella Polar), Portuguese (Planeta) and French (Hachette)

Title: Omnia. Todo lo que puedas soñar (Omnia. Everything you can imagine)
Publisher: Montena
At Omnia, the great virtual shop, you can buy anything. In its catalogue you will find anything you can imagine, even items you did not know existed. So when Nico throws his sister’s favorite teddy bear into garbage bin by accident, he looks for another one in the shop’s web in order to replace it. But a software error will take him to the very heart of Omnia, an extraordinary department store in which the search for the teddy bear will only be the beginning of a gripping adventure.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Montena), Amazon Crossing (English world), Bulgary (ToniPress)

Title: Mago por casualidad (Magician by chance)
Publisher: Bruño
Ratón is the typical boy who works at the typical inn of a typical fantasy kingdom with typical knights, typical magicians and -of course- very typical dragons. But then he gets by mistake the great powers of the famous magician Calderaus – a magic he is not able to use. And Calderaus, now turned into a crow, will never stop until he regains his powers… A hilarious story with a lot of magic and funny adventures.
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Bruixola)

Title: Héroes por casualidad (Heroes by chance)
Publisher: Bruño
Once upon a time there was a fantasy realm ruled by a king and a queen who were very concerned about the future of her daughter, Princess Griselda. In order to find a husband for her, they call a contest only suitable for the bravest: whoever gets the scepter of the Great Sorcerer, who rules Scary Country, will marry the princess. Determined to undertake the mission, an original group of adventurers sets off towards the witch’s castle…
Rights managed by: Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency
Rights sold: Catalan (Bruixola)